A Farewell (And a “See you later”)

Well, it’s time.

jjosuminded.com has been an amazing and rewarding adventure; I’ve really shared the depths of me during a stage of profound transition and I hope I’ve managed to positively impact, or at least provide a different perspective for you.

I want to tell you something that’s great: I’m not leaving this site because I lost the struggle, but because I won. I’m already in the process of finishing two books, and I’m also moving in the directions that tormented me before as a realm of pure unfulfilled desire. I’m actually at the point were I just need to keep working hard on it, but the stage is set.

This site has dealt a lot with my awakening, and in this regards, I will always tresure it; I will save a backup of my articles, and later in my writer career I’ll publish a selection of them. When I do, I will provide a copy free of charge to each of the subscribers to this blog and also (unless you tell me not to) I would like to include your names in that book, because each of my subscribers is responsible for keeping going these years.

Thanks for taking from your precious time and your precious lives to read this quirky mind, that means only the best for you.

I’m closing this site because I’m so busy materializing my dreams and I realistically will not be able further develop it. But when my new products and projects are available, I will email each of you who have subscribed to this blog and let you know.

I will keep the site up until the end of the week, come Monday I’m deactivating it.

Thanks so much, you’re part of a beautiful phenomenom, and I’ll see you later.

Much love,


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