Be Brave: Rest

This is probably going to be short post, because I’m so tired, really just want to go to bed right now.

For this to happen, I kinda need to condition myself: “Be brave, rest”.

Imagine that you went to prison 10 years, you were innocent and it was a horrible mistake. You managed to overcome the dangers of prison, and every day in there you dreamt about what you would to as soon as they realized it was a mistake and let you out. After the second year, your hope is pretty much gone, and since prison is not your environment you sign up to help with the cleaning regularly and get to study a lot in the prison library. During year 8 solid evidence appears that grants a reopening of your case, and out of those 10 years these last two probably feel the longest because you know you’re getting out soon.

Do you think that on your first day, year, decade out of prison you would want to just chill and live a normal life? I doubt it, there’s so much that’s owed to you and so much you wanted to have done and it took a freaking 10 years detour, you’re now in the business of making each and every minute from each day count and get your way against any odds.

Well, I’ve never done time, but the parameters of my mental and emotional prison did keep me from experiencing a great deal of what’s considered normal life. Maybe some day I will provide more detail. So in many ways, I identify with this character who went to prison over another’s crime, and regardless of how unfair it was, he just wants to leave it behind and live fully.

That’s the reason why it is so hard for me to rest sometimes.

But the thing is, external proceses in the world have their own rhythm , people connected to me have a rhythm of their own, and even opportunities I’ve been craving for move at a certain pace that I do not control.

So if I fool myself thinking I can accelerate everything I care about, I will be overly busy but not achieving much. On the other hand, let’s say I find means to make things happen faster (you wanna know how, right? 😉 ), if I’m not careful I may be interfering with a process that needs maturity to develop its full potential in my life.

So resting is a statement of trusting myself, the process and my Allies in the process. Resting is an affirmation of my direction, it’s a way I tell the hostile energy in the Universes that I’m getting my way and I don’t need to push myself to the point of bitterness and damaging my health to realize my Will.

When you rest, you let the machine keep rolling by itself for a while,

and it’s fine, the machine is just a means for the manifestation of you.



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